Thursday, 4 February 2016

The Alt Plan: Combat Rogue

Old faithful. My go-to guy.  The Rogue.

Whenever I am getting a bit bored or running out of things to do on my main, I can always turn to my rogue for a bit of stabby fun.
There has been lots of stabby fun lately as he hit the pugging scene with a vengeance!

I have stuck with Combat for all of the fights, even if it isn't always the best spec, mainly because it's really bloody easy to play.

The hardest part of playing a Rogue is making Soul Capacitor trinket actually explode on something rather than thin air.
So many times the boss moves or I have to move just as it's about to go off, it's infuriating!

The worst culprits are Kormrok and Iskar...
On Kormrok, if it procs on the pull (which it invariably does), he is in the pool as it explodes. 
There are 4 options:
1. Waste the proc on fresh air and therefore do no damage at all.
2. Don't attack at all until he comes out.  Still no damage but the proc isn't wasted.
3. Click off the buff so it explodes early, only waste half the proc.
4. Follow him in!

I like option 4  :-)
Just before he jumps pop Feint, Cloak and Killing Spree... hope you have timed it right so you don't take too much damage.

Iskar is just as bad.
Trinket procs on the pull, you can guarantee you will get the first Fel Chakram and have to move out.
Every time it procs during the fight, you know you will get Chakram, Winds or the boss will run away.

(note to self:  If the boss runs away just before explosion, do NOT immediately Shadowstep the adds and let the explosion hit them.  Tanks don't move as fast as Shadowstep.)

Infuriating trinket aside, it's been a lot of fun :-)

Combat is so forgiving that it's the perfect spec for an Alt.
I have tried out a bit of Assassination lately (mainly in the Cata Timewalking dungeons over the weekend so I could use the Legendary Daggers again) but it is incredibly slow by comparison.
I don't have the weapons to try it (or Subtlety) in an actual raid which is a shame, maybe I will pick some up along the way.

The pugs have been as hit and miss as ever, with some failing the absolute basics and some doing horrendous numbers but killing everything (eventually).

Gathering the 4-set and the Archimonde trinket actually reduced my ilvl by a couple of points but the dps is noticeably higher, and it has been a lot of fun.

He's now sat at 9/13HC, almost entirely from pugging, with a 711ilvl complete with 4-set and trinket and this should be close to the end of his journey in Draenor...

But it's been so much fun!

So I'm considering carrying him a bit further, maybe get him a full Heroic set and try out the other specs on the single target fights. 
I haven't decided yet.

I should probably make the most of it before they turn him into a pirate.

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