Friday, 12 February 2016

Mythic Magery: Kormrok

I'll be completely honest... I've never really got this fight.

My Shaman used to struggle to hit decent numbers here so I used to focus on the dirty jobs... breaking out the one person in the hand going the wrong way or that's in the pool... making sure the runes were done properly... that kind of thing.

It always seemed like another one of 'those' fights, the ones that had lots of mechanics but none of them were really important.  The fight didn't require any precision.

Stack up for the hands... doesn't matter if a few people aren't stacked
Dodge the blobs... doesn't matter if you get hit a couple of times
Push the Empowered Runes to the middle... ok, it needed doing, but there was a lot of room for error.
And so on...

Mythic doesn't really seem much different.

The fight is almost exactly the same as Heroic.

The main added mechanic is the splash as Kormrok lands in a pool.  Everyone has a designated spot to stand and soak the splash to prevent bad goo stuff from covering the floor.

Except it doesn't really matter.

Half of our team gets it wrong every time and, while it restricts the space we have to play in, it doesn't have much of an effect on the outcome of the fight.

A lot of this has to be gear-related again. 
As we push the Empowered Runes around, sometimes in the bad goo, the damage taken must have been much harder to heal through in lower gear.

It does help that we have 3 mages, 3 hunters and a rogue doing it though.  Damage is spread throughout the raid and covered by a myriad of cooldowns.

So this fight trundles along like normal or heroic... we stack, we spread, we run to our spot to soak (some of us anyway) and close in on the kill until...

All hell breaks loose!

Suddenly, everything is happening at the same time!

Being dragged by hands just before he jumps into a pool, runes and blobs all over the place as we are spread for the Pound.

It's like Kormrok suddenly remembered it was supposed to be on Mythic!

My god, how did people cope with all this 20+ ilvls ago?
The damage is insane, even now, and I pity those under-geared progressing healers.

We have the dps these days to push through and kill it not long after all the mechanics hit so we don't have to deal with it for too long but we still have the odd wipe at this point.

Either we have lost one or two along the way so our dps is lower, or had to blow cooldowns at an unplanned point in the fight, or maybe just a poor attempt... but it's always at that point where it all blows up.

I don't even know if it settles down again after that because either the boss is dead or we are.

Playing this fight as a Mage is pretty much the same as Heroic was on my Shaman... I still don't get it, I time my cooldowns wrong or position poorly and have to move during them... something like that, I can't hit the big numbers anyway.

I heard somewhere that ranking Arcane Mages on this fight were doing literally nothing until the first set of Grasping Hands so they could guarantee a Prophecy of Fear proc landing on them.

That might be the way to boost my numbers but we have two Bladestorming Warriors so the hands aren't much of an issue for us.

I'll just stick to hitting the boss and doing the dirty jobs.

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