Friday, 5 February 2016

Mythic Magery: Iron Reaver

Bombs! Bombs! Bombs! Bombs! Bombs!
(Could be a Baldrick raiding poem)

The main difference from Heroic is the addition of some extra... you guessed it, bombs!

Some explode quickly
Some take forever but are heavily armoured
Some you can't kill, you just have to soak the explosion a la Iron Juggernaut in SoO
Some of them even fight back!

None of them are really a problem when you are all 725ilvl.

Another fight that has lost a lot of it's challenge due to over-gearing it.
I was beginning to think I should have stayed at that first guild... then I remembered all the rage and was thankful for my current, fun-loving guild.

Anyway... bombs are the priority.
A few normal ones drop during the Ground phase which we switch to and kill off quickly, while the variety of more interesting bombs drop during the Air phase.

This kind of fight would have been a nightmare during progress for my Shaman.
The constant target-switching, to bombs that you know aren't going to live long but you can't leave them to other people just in case, is always going to be difficult for the Shaman.

The Mage suffers from no such difficulties.
This fight is almost designed with the Arcane (or Frost for that matter) Mage in mind...
Very little movement - Hunter advantage doesn't come into play.
Short-lived priority adds - live longer and it's the multi-dotters that reign supreme.
Big-hitting but spaced out abilities - perfect for the defensive tools of the Mage.

I considered trying an Evanesce/Rune of Power approach to reduce movement to an absolute minimum, using Evanesce to essentially ignore any Barrage pointed my way, but I thought it was too risky.  I didn't want to be caught not realising that Evanesce was on cooldown.

Plus, my raid  team has a problem with personal space.  Or, more accurately, invading mine and not leaving. 
Yes, I know people have to move out of Barrage, but you can move back afterwards instead of all joining me in my nice, (formerly) safe position.

Talking of Barrage...
You would think that, after weeks and weeks of killing this boss on Normal and Heroic, everyone should be able to avoid the Barrage... right?



In what I can only assume is an attempt to inject some of the challenge back into this fight, a number of our 'Mythic' raiders still get regularly hit by Barrage and die.

At least it makes it more interesting for the rest of us  :-)

Note:  Prismatic Crystal
I hate this talent.
I am just not good enough as a Mage to use this with Prophecy of Fear trinket, I mess it up almost every time.
If the trinket procs on the Crystal, it's easy.  Just carry on hitting the Crystal.
If it procs on the boss, I am apparently supposed to put down the Crystal anyway and weave the spells together... Arcane Blasts on the PC, Arcane Missiles on the boss with the proc.  Or maybe it's the other way around  :-s

That sounds so easy when I read it but can I get it right?  Hell no!
Last time I tried it, I ended up hitting Blink and Evocation right at the start of my burst :-(
I'll stick with the other talent choices for now I think.

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