Tuesday, 23 February 2016

Mythic Magery - Hellfire High Council

A real step up from the Heroic version and particularly challenging for the healers.

I thought this fight was fun at the other levels and I think it's even better on Mythic. 

The tactics haven't really changed, we don't even do the rotating groups for the debuff tactic from fatboss. 

Instead, we just stack very tightly on Gurtogg and have people move slightly further away as needed.
This keeps the whole raid (except Dia's tank of course) inside the numerous healing circles, hopefully taking a little stress from the incredibly taxed healers. 

In fact, the healing is so demanding on this fight we run with 5 healers instead of the usual 4.

Even with the extra healer, and the extra penalty for doing it, we are choosing to dispel the reaps to spread the damage more evenly across the raid. 

This goes against everything we know about this fight and is even worse on mythic as it spreads to three new people rather than two but anything that can reduce the strain on the healers is welcome. 

It does cause us some issues later on in the fight though, issues which I particularly struggle with. 

Anyway, as dps, much of the fight remains the same as heroic. We still follow the same priorities and there is still the intense thrill when you are fixated by Gurtogg.

It's that fixate that essentially decides who tops the dps charts but, taking that out of consideration, it's the Arcane Mage massive single target damage versus the multi-dotting Boomkins and Warlocks... it's a very close contest! 

The key to the actual kill though seems to be how we handle the Reaps. 

As we are dispelling it once each cycle, we have 9 to drop each time. This very quickly takes up a large amount of the available space and leads to a specific moment that causes most of our wipes. 

It is one of those 'moments' that occasionally arises in raids. 
You know that if the raid makes it through that key moment in decent shape it will likely lead to a kill.

It may be due to running with an extra healer, or it may just be that our dps is not quite up to scratch, but we can't kill Blademaster Jubei'thos before his second Mirror phase.
Knowing this, we avoid pushing him below 30% and switch to Dia for a while.

Unfortunately though, that second Mirror phase coincides with a ghost phase and, with both going on... we get the Reap.

This is where I er... cock it up.

I've often had a knack of using fantastic, helpful spells to kill myself (see Suicide is Painless) and that has continued here as I contrive to Blink into everything that could possibly kill me rather than the spaces in between.

Ghosts, Mirror Blades, other Reaps... You name it, I've blinked into it.  Often more than one of them at once.
I'm far from the only one though, this is the moment we either wipe or go on to kill the boss. 

It all depends how many people managed to negotiate the maze of Reaps, Ghosts and Swirling Blades to find a safe spit to drop their own Reap.

If it's 3 or 4 we can normally just go on to get the kill but it's often many more with chain reactions of deaths... die before Reap goes off, it jumps to someone else who panics and runs (blinks) to their death so it jumps to someone else who has no time to move and drops it under the raid... killing more people.

That kind of thing.

I might suggest we save Heroism to burn down the Blademaster on our next kill but I haven't checked how much that would hurt us on Bloodboil.

Otherwise, we are back to the headless chickens running for safety... we should get pretty good at it in time  :-)


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