Tuesday, 8 March 2016

The Alt Plan: Jim Raynor??

Playing time has been quite limited lately so the Alts have not ventured out much.

The Hunter has ventured into a couple of normal mode HFC pugs but not killed much.

Whenever I go back to the Hunter after a short break from playing her, I'm always surprised all over again at how easy it is to play.  I don't necessarily mean the rotation, I'm bound to be far from optimal on that, but the freedom of movement takes all of the stress out of playing. 

The hunter just glides around the battlefield (completely ignoring her Sniper Training) picking off targets as they focus their attention on Deefer (Dog - still got her starting zone pet) without a care in the world.
She is actually the only character I play that I feel completely confident when soloing the Throne of Kil'Jaeden daily in Tanaan.

Actual raiding though, she has struggled to get into groups due to her low ilevel. 
The last pug failed on Kil'rogg (Pugs generally fail at 2 points, Kil'rogg and Iskar) as they were trying to carry a couple of low-geared guildies, two Warlocks who struggled to reach 10k dps.  It was a small group and I was the only other ranged, we couldn't kill the adds in time.

A couple of drops has now taken her up to 692ilvl though so that should make it slightly easier to get a group.

The Priest has also ventured out a couple of times recently and I've enjoyed it immensely! 
It's mostly quite 'spammy' with PW:Shield, Solace and Penance but it's worth it for the rush you get when you press the Archangel button!
The wings and the glowing light both add to the almost heavenly feeling as you are transformed into an angel of the light with the power of life over death at your fingertips.

Who will you choose to bless with your massive crit shields?  Not the Hunter that laughed at me being a male Pandaren (dressed all in white, he does look ridiculous to be fair), that's for sure!

A bit of luck has taken him to 705ilvl which sets him up nicely for future pugs.

The Rogue has been twiddling his thumbs in his garrison waiting for a new opportunity to stab something.
Having recently completed Val'anyr, Hammer of the Ancient Kings on my Shaman, I am thinking the Rogue's best hopes for adventure may come once per week in Black Temple.

The commitment, mainly time but also patience, needed for pugging has put me off lately and I have been trying a few other games which led me to...

Heroes of the Storm!

I had been watching Bay's adventures over at FinalBossTV and it looked like a lot of fun so I played through the opening tutorials and a couple of AI games.

Jim Raynor is the introductory Hero and he seems fairly easy to play, doesn't have a lot of buttons to worry about (although I still keep trying to move with WASD at the moment). 
The quick queues and games are extremely appealing compared to LFR/Pugs in WoW so I want to take it further and see if I can learn to play properly.

And what an Altoholic's dream!  All those Heroes!

Logically, my aversion to pugging should keep me well away from a 5v5 PvP game but it does look like a lot of fun... and who wouldn't want to play as Jim Raynor?
Or even Arthas!

My Paladin looks on forlornly from his garrison...

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