Wednesday, 23 March 2016

Mythic Magery: Shadow Lord Iskar

After completing the 'easy' lower citadel, we decided to extend the lockout this week and take a look at the harder Upper Citadel bosses.

No Gorefiend for a week!  Woohoo!

Iskar was our first port of call and it really is very similar to Heroic...

The main difference is an extra add in the add phase, Phantasmal Resonance!

This add has a cool mechanic which forces the raid to weave in a few extra throws of the Eye in between interrupts and dispels.
It casts a spell, Chains of Despair, which joins together 3 groups of 2 people with invisible chains. 

The only way to remove these chains is for the two chained people to stack together but if you stack with the wrong person, you explode!

And, you guessed it, the only way to see who you are chained to is with the Eye.

It's a really simple mechanic but dealing with it while all the other stuff is going on and timing the extra throws of the Eye properly adds enough complexity to make it challenging.

It's also one of those mechanics that everyone needs to experience for themselves so they know what they are looking for and learn how to react.

We didn't bother.

We very quickly realised that we had the dps to burn down the new add before it could even cast the chains.

This basically made the fight the same as Heroic.


OK, there are a couple of differences...

The debuff from holding the Eye is permanent so we need to spread the stacks around the raid a bit more.

And occasionally (just before each Phantasmal Winds, I think), Iskar knocks the Eye out of your hands to a random spot in the room. 
Blink/ Heroic Leap etc.  made sure this was not an issue.

After suffering through 117 wipes to kill Gorefiend, we needed just 11 to kill Shadow-Lord Iskar.
Yet again, gear has massively diminished a Mythic fight into barely a challenge at all.

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