Continuing our adventures through the Halls of Blood we come to Kil'rogg Deadeye!
The corrupted Orc warlord has imprisoned Ariok, our friend from the Draenor opening sequence, and is now introducing more Orcs to the Fel.
I prefer the style of increasing difficulty via complexity rather than (just) numbers, it makes the fights different enough that I don't feel too much like I'm repeating the same content.
It's a fine line though and it must be difficult to build just the right amount of complexity on top of what already exists to keep the fight fresh and challenging, but without undoing all the learning done on Heroic.
Kil'rogg follows this principle and stays very close to the Heroic version with just a couple of tweaks to keep it interesting.
The biggest difference by far is how to handle the Hulking Terrors, who have had a hefty buff since Heroic.
Their big hits cause massive amounts of Fel Corruption to the tank so they have to be killed very quickly.
Unfortunately, they explode when they die so have to be moved out of melee range and finished off by the Ranged.
After the explosion, they leave behind a pool of Fel stuff which needs to be soaked by enough people to share the corruption it brings.
Don't soak and it coalesces into a Fel Blood which needs to be killed before it reaches Kil'rogg.
Oh yeah, and a missed interrupt is pretty much a wipe.
Our setup is pretty much a mirror of the Heroic fight, taking the boss all the way to the entrance and tanking him and the Hulking Terror there.
We split into two groups so the adds are covered on each side and just go from there.
The emphasis in the fight is on adds as usual but the real key seems to be getting into and out of the visions as quickly as possible.
As the Hulking Terror is putting so much corruption on to the tank, the Visions healer needs to cleanse them before they are mind-controlled.
So, despite the majority of the fight being single target or at best 2-target cleave, the people going into the visions need to set up for AoE.
My Shaman would have had no problems at all with this, CL/EQ ftw!
As an Arcane Mage though, I tried to cut a couple of corners and keep as much of my single target as possible for maximum use of the buff on the boss himself.
This turned out to be a mistake and I was only given a couple of attempts in the Vision before being replaced by a Warlock.
I didn't get the opportunity to find the right balance between AoE and single target, even the attempts I had in the Vision were cut short by our healer dying. He was still learning the fight too, after all.
Maybe I should have spoken up a bit more and asked for the opportunity to spec for more AoE but we were shuffling the pack regularly to give everyone a go at that point and I figured I would just do better next time it came round to me.
Two attempts later and Kil'rogg was dead :-)
Off the top of my head, I think it was 15 attempts in total.
Having 2 Hunters and 3 Mages outside is fantastic for making sure the adds are never an issue.
This is where I would have struggled on the Shaman, constantly switching to the next add and the Flame Shock dilemma...
If everyone is on the ball, the Flame Shock (and the GCD) is completely wasted.
If the adds lives a bit longer than expected though, and you haven't put FS on it, you harm your chances of actually killing it in time by having to cast underpowered LvB.
Either way, it ruins dps for the Shaman.
Arcane or Frost Mage... no problem!
No setup to worry about, full dps from the start and automatically slows the add too!
Easy-mode raiding :-)
So, with an AoE-specced Warlock plus a melee in Visions 1 and 2, followed by Boomkin plus melee in Visions 3 and 4, the Visions were no trouble.
2 Hunters and 3 Mages on the adds and they were no trouble.
All it took to get the kill from there was for us to learn how to properly handle the Hulking Terror, and for the healers to get used to the demands of healing in the Visions.
It didn't take our tanks long to work out when they needed to move the Hulking Terror away from the boss and we just had the melee move in to soak the Fel puddle left behind.
It was nice to see the melee doing some work for once to be honest :-)
The healers in the Visions just adjusted their positioning so that all of the adds had to run through the melee's AoE to get to them. The adds would be distracted (or destroyed) by a Bladestorm or whatever and the healer would be free to stand still and cast.
Overall, it's a step down in difficulty from Council but still an enjoyable fight.
Maybe Blizzard figured we needed some respite before the hell that is Gorefiend Mythic!
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