Wednesday, 2 September 2015

The Flying Patch...

Today's the Day!

Or yesterday in other parts of the world but let's not quibble over details.

We all get to fly in Draenor!

As I've already said, this doesn't really interest me much. 
Yes, travel will be a bit quicker and easier.  Yes, I might actually do some Archaeology now.  Yes, some things will be more convenient.

I've enjoyed my time on the ground though, fighting (not always successfully) through the wildlife to reach my destination, and I will miss it greatly. 
Not enough to keep me grounded now I have the ability to fly but I will still miss it.

It's like the Masterplan addon.
That addon took almost all of the gameplay out of follower missions but made the whole process so much faster, and that is all that people cared about.
People wanted the reward but the gameplay itself was seen as more of an obstacle than something to be enjoyed.

I fell into the trap of using the addon so that I could be more efficient and run through missions on a series of alts, removing gameplay I actually enjoyed.
(Maybe the rewards from the follower missions were too powerful for such niche gameplay but that's another debate.)

With the latest patch, the 'gameplay' of travelling around Draenor has effectively been removed.  Now there is only the reward, the destination.

This is not some niche mini-game like follower missions though, this is the actual open world game, and I believe our remaining time on Draenor will be greatly diminished by it's removal.

So I'm not excited by flying, I am excited by the new rares though! 

More stuff to throw lightning and lava at!

I'm hoping they have some mechanics to deal with, some level of difficulty attached, to make them challenging.  But maybe that is more the realm of the world boss rather than a rare mob.

I'm also excited by the Timewalker dungeons in Icecrown this weekend, should have some fun there.

And there is also a new raid week, can we further our progress in Hellfire Citadel?
Maybe, but I'll probably miss the actual progress as I'm off to see Foo Fighters on Sunday which is exciting me quite a bit more than everything else  :-)

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