Thursday, 10 September 2015

Moving Day...

Moving day 
The penultimate day of a four-day tournament, so called because it is the day where competitors try to set themselves up for the final push on the final day.

Most major golf tournaments are played over 4 days and 'Moving Day' is generally thought to be when the people who are going to have a realistic chance of winning the tournament put themselves in the leading groups.

Raiding is exactly the same.


Moving Day is what will mostly determine what progress, if any, is made during the week.

The first two days in golf are about making the cut, just staying in the running and making sure you are around for the weekend.

This is our farm night.

We've got these bosses sorted, it doesn't need our full concentration and we don't need to take risks for those extra few dps.  All that matters is that we kill them.

For my raid group, this covers Hellfire Assault through to Iskar.  A wipe only happens if someone does something monumentally stupid or half the team switches off completely.

Sometimes we can take a bit extra from them... a piece of loot to help us further down the line, or a faster kill to give us a headstart in the next round, but these are just a bonus.
It's just about being in the game at this point.

Next is those bosses in the middle. 
You know the ones, you've killed them a couple of times but they still need full concentration or wipes can quickly happen.

How these bosses are treated is what determines your chances of progress for that week!

We've all seen it happen, a boss that you have killed a couple of times now gives you problems and you wonder why.
Everyone has killed these bosses before.
Everyone knows the tactics.

These aren't farm bosses though, it only takes a couple of people that aren't fully-focused to bring down the team.
Leaving that interrupt for someone else.
Letting others switch to that add.
Blindly AoE-healing instead of smart healing (Spam Chain Heal ftw!)

Treat them like the farm bosses and things quickly fall apart, wipes stack up and morale drops. 
The night ends with only two or three bosses down and a mountain to climb on 'Progress night'

On the other hand...

If your whole team can treat these like progress bosses, it all changes!

People want to do the interrupts, tank-healing, switching to adds, moving from fire, or whatever is known to be important for getting the kill. 

The fights suddenly become smoother... the focus you had during progress combined with extra gear picked up since the last kill make everything die that little bit faster or with a touch less healing needed.

What could be scraping past two bosses becomes a march towards progress bosses, as the fights are over in one or two attempts rather than six or seven.

The team is flying and starts to reach the progress boss with half an hour of raiding to spare, giving you time to have a look at the tactics and positioning.

You are in perfect position for the big push for progress!
The championship is in sight and, don't get me wrong, the performance still needs to be right on the night.
But the team is there and ready for the challenge because you got it right on...

Moving Day.


  1. OH this post is SO spot on with what happens with my guild. So we've killed some bosses a few times but if you get lazy on it and don't move out of bad, don't focus the adds, don't do mechanics, and suddenly it's just stupid.

    Kilrogg can be like that for us sometimes. Tunneling the boss instead of adds!
    Xhul - so why did you just stand there dpsing when you should have moved that stuff so that it's on the other side of the room? Now there's a patch of purple right where we want to stand later!
    Socrethar - get. those. ghosts. PLEASE. And interrupt!
    Hopefully this week we will have our moving day. I

    1. Haha, so many nights like that!
      I think Malkorok was our worst in recent memory, so many bad nights on him way after our first kill.
