Thursday 12 June 2014

How to Die in WoW - A Pro Guide

Anyone can stand in front on the boss and get beaten on.
Or stand in the fire, slowly burning to a crisp to the sound of your healers crying.

Recently, I have been finding new and innovative ways to die...

Shadowstep - Part 1.
When playing my rogue, this is my favourite spell by a long, long distance.  It is so useful for staying in position on the boss when other classes struggle.  Little did I realise though, how dangerous it could be in the wrong hands (mine)...
In lfr, on Garrosh P1.  The Iron Star comes rolling down the room.  It's a massive wheel of metal and fire, you can't miss it...
Of course, I got smacked by the giant wheel of doom and knocked flying across the room. 
This is lfr though, it doesn't one-shot you, you survive to fight on... unless you hit Shadowstep, immediately teleport behind the boss, and get hit by the same bloody Iron Star!

Warlock Gateway to Hell
Thok 25man on my Shaman. 
Kiting Thok during his fixate phase is very easy, especially as ranged.  I'm always prepared to run as he finishes one fixate, just in case I'm the next target. 
This time was no exception, I was fixated and moved off quickly, popping Ghost Wolf on the way.  It was the third fixate I think, he's moving a little faster by now, so I decided to use the Warlock Gateway (ironically) just to be ultra-safe.
Alas, the gateway I used actually took me back to Thok who immediately spun around and devoured me along with a few others for good measure.

Shadowstep - Part 2.
Back in lfr on my rogue, this time Immerseus.
A litany of errors ended with an agonisingly slow death to Immerseus. 

This is the rogue's guide on how not to survive the first boss in Siege of Orgrimmar. 
First, there is no need to rush out of those Sha puddles.  Take your time, carry on listening to the Convert to Raid podcast instead of DBM, it's much more interesting.
Second, that big Swirl of death doesn't hurt much, especially if you use Cloak of Shadows.  Unfortunately, if you lingered in that Sha puddle, CoS might still be on cooldown.
Third, being knocked back by the Swirl of death isn't a problem, You are a rogue, you have Shadowstep!

So... with my pro rogue skills I was already fairly low on health (wtf healz!!11!!) when Shadowstep teleported me, not behind Immerseus, but to the very centre of the room.  That middle puddle hurts, not much, but just enough to finish off a rogue just as he agonisingly makes it to the edge of the puddle.

Healers could have saved me at any point, I only needed one heal to survive and didn't receive any.  However, I like to think they just stood there, shaking their heads sadly, before finding somebody more worthy of their attention.

Tune in again soon for more ways to die like a pro.

p.s. Picture unashamedly stolen from one of my favourite wow blogs, Altaclysmic

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