Tuesday, 5 December 2017

Still in the Game...


I've done too many "I'm back" posts already so I'm not going to bother again, just thought I would drop in to say hi and plaster my thoughts all over the internet from time to time.

Two full progress raids was too much for me in the end so I had to cancel the second team at the start of ToS.  I had hoped there would be enough momentum, along with enthusiasm for the new raid, to keep the team going but it petered out after a few weeks.

Disappointing but, from what I can gather, it was a combination of too many new faces plus a poor attitude from my replacement as Raid Leader.  There is now some talk of them starting up again after Christmas so I hope it goes well.

In the meantime, I pushed on into Tomb of Sargeras with my Shaman's raid team.
Well, I say Shaman... As we moved into Mythic, I began to feel the weaknesses in the Shaman coming through once again.

It started in Nighthold really.
Behind the curve on single target fights even stood still, any fights with movement were especially difficult.  Krosus Mythic was the prime example, my opening burst was interrupted by getting the first orb and I finished comfortably bottom dps on our first kill.

As we progressed through ToS, I could see the same happening to me... Maiden, Avatar, Sisters all high, unpredictable movement which I would definitely struggle with.
Do you know what never struggles with these things in Mythic?  A Mage!

Yes, I rerolled back to Mage (again) and instantly matched my Shaman's dps despite a ~20ilvl deficit :-s

And that was the story through Mythic ToS, it was back to Mythic Magery all over again, until our Raid Leader deciding he needed a break started me back on the road to Shamanism...


  1. Replies
    1. It happens to be one of the very few websites that I can access past the new blocker at work... so I might be here a lot :)
