Monday, 18 December 2017

Mythic Garothi Worldbreaker

I touched on this boss in my last post but I really like the design so thought I would go into a bit more detail.

The fight starts out exactly the same as Heroic with only the two abilities plus the tank swap mechanic.
Decimate is a big AoE effect on random targets, they just move out of the raid to drop it then come back.
Annihilate is... well basically take your pick of the many soaking mechanics in Tomb of Sargeras and it's pretty much the same.
And that's it, nice and easy to get you up and running in the raid.

After a while, the boss goes into overdrive and you have to kill one of the weapons that cause those mechanics to bring him back to the main phase of the fight.

This is where it deviates from Normal/Heroic... In those difficulties, when you destroy one of the weapons it removes it's abilities from the fight.  We had our fill of soaking back in ToS so we elected to kill the Annihilator, just leaving the Decimates.
In another overdrive, the Decimator is killed and you are left with a rather simple run to the finish with literally zero mechanics left in the fight.

Mythic turns this on it's head completely.  As you 'destroy' each weapon, instead of stopping it actually goes haywire!
You have no option but to destroy one so the fight becomes progressively harder with each phase rather than easier.

Destroying the Decimator causes the Decimate ability to stun it's targets, making it impossible for them to get out of the raid in time.  The solution is to stack for the ability then have everyone move out, followed by the targets when the stun lapses.

Killing the Annihilator on the other hand means even more soaking!  More Annihiltes and each one needs to be soaked twice, plus it knocks you away so you have to run back for the second soak.
The double Annihilates are far more difficult than the Decimate stuns so they are left for the final phase as you rush to kill the boss.

What I really like about the design of the fight is how it increases in difficulty without drastically changing any mechanics or even bringing in any new ones.  The subtle changes that are there, the stun and the knockback, increase the movement and add to the frantic feeling of rushing towards the end of the fight.

To cope with the extra movement I tried Icefury... was far from an unqualified success but it did feel good having something to cast on the move.
It's only the first boss so isn't tuned very tightly, it only took us 4 pulls to get the kill and we 1-shot it this week.
I think that's a bit of a shame to be honest as it seems much more interesting than the nominal Patchwerk dps check of Varimathras and I really enjoyed it.

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