My Shaman wasn't my first character in WoW.
My first was actually a Night Elf Mage called Ragnarok.
He didn't get too far, about level 21 I think, before my girlfriend stole my account. We had been sharing an account but, when I couldn't get her off the computer so that I could have a go, we bought a laptop and she took that account.
My second char was a Human Rogue called Strigon.
I still enjoy playing him and he is usually the first alt to follow my Shaman into each expansion.
My third char was my Draenei Shaman, Solanar.
He has been my main ever since, despite switching realms a few times and even a brief flirtation as a Tauren towards the end of SoO.
His name has had to change a couple of times with realm changes but only very slightly, so it still feels like the same char to me.
I feel an attachment to my Shaman that is probably quite inappropriate for a character in a computer game but I can't help it.
Since switching to main as Shaman, almost all of my alts have been shadows of him... with their names all starting with "Sol" or "Sola".
This even extended into other games! StarCraft 2... Sola, HotS... Sola,
You name it, I'm probably called Sola in it.
Hell, even my battletag is Sola#
By the end of WoD, I had 14 max level chars and 11 of them were named as some derivative of Sola...
Two exceptions were:
Strigon - Pre-dated the whole naming thing
Gronfire - Hmmm... was part of a whole other naming culture I had going on.
All of my bank alts are from the same family, with the original being Gron and the rest derived from that name. Gronfire (Gnome Warlock) is the only bank alt to ever make it to max level.
The final exception was my Mythic Mage, Carudoc.
You are probably wondering where I am going with all of this?
Well my Mage joined my current guild first and raided the end of HFC there... but there was already somebody there called Sola!
Every time his name was called out, I had to stop myself responding. By the same token, I had to remember to respond whenever my Mage's name was called for whatever reason.
All was fine until I decided to stick with this guild for Legion and moved my Shaman.
Now there were two Sola's!
We've had a laugh about it, I call him Sola 2 as my account is older than his, but I can't help but think that he was here first and I should let him have the name.
He has been with the guild for a lot longer than I have and has all of his "Sola" alts in there too (which I don't).
It feels like he is more Sola in the guild than I am.
So I have been considering a name change, and maybe a race change to go with it. I have even thought of some new names depending on which race/gender I choose.
I just can't pull the trigger though :-s
I like being Sola!
Is anyone else so attached to a name?
Should I change it or fight to keep it?
Do female Draenei look better in transmog than male Draenei? :-)
Female Draenei look way better than male draenei! Though big shoulders look better on male draenei for sure!
ReplyDeleteThat's the dilemma... I love the epic look of those big shoulders but everything else looks a bit dodgy.
ReplyDeleteI might have to roll a lowbie alt to see how my favourite transmogs look... no idea why I didn't think of this before!