Wednesday, 7 December 2016

Plodding Along...

Everything has slowed down now as we await the burst of content that comes with the next patch. 
Not that we have finished with the current patch, just all of the non-raiding content.

Aside form raiding, the Shaman just completes his emissary quests and 1 mythic+ dungeon per week for the weekly cache.
I feel like I should be doing more mythic+ dungeons to bring in the AP and finish my artefact weapon but, to be completely honest, I can't be bothered.

I target the World Quests with AP rewards and raiding rewards decent enough AP to keep it ticking over, plus I'm 1/3 on my last trait which is a very disappointing self-heal even at 3/3.
At 1/3, it heals me for roughly 130k HP if I drop below 35%  - amazing, right?
1 million AP to make it a 260k heal hasn't exactly got me rushing around to complete it!

The Paladin tank has geared up nicely and is now at the mythic dungeon/normal raid stage... unfortunately, this means he has to use the groupfinder.
I think the groupfinder is a fantastic tool but it's a constant struggle for me to actually apply to join a group, and it's almost a relief if I get turned down.

I know I know, man up and just get on with it... I'm trying

As if reading my thoughts, Preach has just started a series of videos for learner tanks.  Apparently, I'm not alone in my fear of the groupfinder and he has been receiving lots of emails asking how to get into tanking.

I was already following Darkmech's advice, who is hilarious by the way, but it's good to have another point of view and I'm always on the lookout for more if you know any?

When my friend got me into WoW it came as no surprise to him how deeply I went into the game, absorbing as much information as I possibly could about all aspects of Warcraft.
Starting with TotalBiscuit (TotalHalibut?)back in the day and Nobbel more recently as I become more interested in the lore, it has always been the personality and opinions that have kept me interested rather than just the content.

And I still consume wow-related content at an incredible rate so am always looking out for new (or new to me) blogs, podcasts and youtubers.

Apologies for rambling a bit today but it is quite representative of my play at the moment, lacking focus and waiting for something to trigger me into action!

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