Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Xhul no more...

More progress this week as Xhul'horac lasted only 3 or 4 pulls.

We went to Velhari before Xhul again this week but it was a bit of a struggle.  Without a couple of our big hitters, our dps was slightly low and we were a little slower transitioning into phase 2.

We kept reaching a moment in phase 1, right before 70% so the movement penalty was at it's highest, where we were getting Edict of Condemnation and Infernal Tempest at the same time.

Each time we would lose two or three (or more) people and the other phases would be even harder, inevitably leading to a wipe.

The main issue was the dps.  This is the dps check, can you push the phase change before these abilities clash and cause fatal damage?

We normally have a Resto Shaman in the team to throw down a Healing Tide Totem at times like these.  HTT is a mighty powerful cooldown when everyone is moving but it wasn't available to cover for us here.
(Healing comp was a little weird with 2 priests, 2 druids and a monk)

I would love to say that we all improved our game, pushing ourselves to find that little extra dps, until we finally managed to transition at the right time.

I would love to say that... but it didn't happen that way.

It was more of a brute force and blind luck solution in the end. 

Any and every cooldown possible was thrown at that last few seconds to keep everyone alive and it was just about enough but we would be in bad shape for P2.

Then we got lucky and the killer Edict landed on our hunter who solo-soaked it with Deterrence and finally we transitioned in good health.

From there it was fairly straight-forward.  We are well-practiced at the other phases and there is little going on, smooth sailing to the kill.

It still annoys the hell out of me when people pad the meters instead of burning our main target but it didn't affect our chances of the kill so I kept quiet.

On to Xhul'horac!
A lovely fight for Elemental Shaman  :-)
All those beautiful little imps that want to stand in my Earthquakes but kindly space out the waves to give me time to recharge in between. 
Bless you little imps!

With the insane AoE we have in our team those imps don't last long, it was the other adds that caused a couple of problems until everyone was told to prioritise them.

The biggest issue though, seemed to be the blind panic that would hit half the raid in the final phase of the fight. 
It was almost comical as people who had placed the fires perfectly for 80% of the fight were suddenly running round like headless chickens.

Enough people kept their heads though and we crawled over the line to take our progress to 11/13HC!
And I was top dps!  Got to love those imps! :-)

Seemingly to some people's chagrin, and to my surprise, I also won the amazing Voidcore Greatstaff!

I had passed my trial and been promoted up to raider rank, qualifying me for loot, while I was offline and hadn't even noticed!

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