Monday, 21 July 2014

When it all falls apart...

I've reached a crossroads in my WoW play and now have a decision to make...

My raid team has fallen apart due to a split in the officer ranks.  There was fault on both sides, as there always is, and half of the raid team has split off to form their own guild.
I didn't go with them as I didn't agree with their decision to split. I think it was the easy way out and they could have worked through their issues keeping the guild whole.  That was their decision though, they chose to do what they thought was best for themselves.

The split was disappointing to say the least.  We had just seemed to overcome a lull in sign-ups to reach Garrosh again on our 25man team.  Some raiders had been using an extra night to finish off the raid in 10man but that would no longer be needed.  Confidence was high that Garrosh would go down very soon, a lot of the new recruits were finally caught up in gear, and we were ready to push forwards as a team.

Then the split came.

Those that left were generally the better players, with the exception of a few stalwarts of the guild who had been together for a long time, and immediately began progressing in 10man heroic.  Those that remained were left to regroup and rebuild again, not having the quality available in all of the roles to push on.

The dilemma... What do I do next?


1.  Stay with my guild and help them rebuild.
In the past this would have easily been my decision.  No discussion required, I would have just stayed and helped to get back on track.
Now I am not so sure...
I had finally extricated myself from an officer position, I was still being dragged into a lot of the decision making but it was in an unofficial capacity and I felt that it would lessen in time.  With so many of the officers leaving though, it would be very difficult for me to maintain that separation.

The main reason though is much more selfish... I am just tired.  Tired of building.  Tired of rebuilding.  Tired of trying to make things work. Tired of putting the needs of others ahead of my own. I just want to raid

2.  Join the breakaway group.
This would satisfy my desire for raiding, and my desire to progress.
However, I'm still unhappy with the split and the circumstances surrounding it so that leaves a bitter taste in my mouth.  I would also still be in that unofficial officer position in a guild trying to build.

3.  Find a new guild.
Always an option, there are always guilds recruiting.  It is a massive step into the unknown though and holds no guarantees.  Would I get on with people?  Would the drama be even worse?  Would I even get in the raid team anyway?

4.  The 'Dream' Rogue.
In a settled guild that is progressing slowly but nicely through 25man heroics, very little is thought or expected of the quiet social rogue that occasionally joins in some casual activities.
Questions arise here too...  Can I force my way into a heroic raid team on an alt?  Do I want to leave behind the friends I have made in my main guild?  Do I want to leave behind my main character?
I was loving the 25man raiding though.

5.  Just stop playing.
It is very tempting to just stop.  Take a break to recharge for the next expansion, actually work out how to play Starcraft 2 properly.  Or maybe just stop permanently.

I'm leaning towards options 4 or 5, I know I need some kind of break or change to recharge and regain some enthusiasm for the game.  Maybe I will just raid when I can on the dream rogue until the next expansion before making a more permanent decision.

Have I missed any options?  What option would you take?

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