Thursday, 3 July 2014

6 weeks and 2 days...

6 weeks and 2 days ago my horde rogue reached level 90.

Today, he received his legendary cloak.

Stage 1 - Sigils
Hit 90 on a Monday night so had time to do a couple of lfrs before reset.  It was enough to make sure I had gathered all sigils within the first full week, without even setting foot in Heart of Fear. 
I dread to think what Heart of Fear lfr is like with the boosted 90s.

Stage 2 - A Test of Valor
Gather 3k VP is 3 weeks time spent.  Well, not exactly...  I needed 2 full weeks plus 1 day.  Using Timeless coins to cap VP on reset day might seem like a waste but it meant that I could progress to the next stage of the questline without hitting the lfrs which I knew I would need later.

Stage 3 - PvP
One-shot both battlegrounds... I am on horde-side after all :-)
To be honest, I one-shot them both when I first did the quest on my alliance shaman.  I know some people have had lots of problems with them but I've generally been ok with only my paladin taking a few attempts at each to get the wins.

Stage 4 - Secrets of the Empire
This is where I got really lucky.  6 secrets in the first week had me thinking it would take 4 weeks for this part of the questline, Blizzard had other ideas... 
The Gaze of the Black Prince buff granted increased chance to drop for all items related to the questline.  The remaining 14 secrets I needed were gathered in a single week with 1 boss to spare!

The buff also doubled Black Prince rep gains and I reached exalted in under an hour on the Isle of Thunder.
A generous donation of Trillium bars from a friend meant I had completed this stage in just two weeks!

Stage 5 - Titan Runestones
The buff was still active and didn't disappoint as I amassed 8 Titan Runestones in the first week, guaranteeing I would finish the quest in a maximum of two weeks even if I was incredibly unlucky from that point on.
My luck held in week 2 though and I gathered the remaining 4 Runestones easily before dispatching Lei Shen for his Heart of the Thunder King.

Stage 6 - Wrathion and the Celestials
I really enjoyed the Wrathion fight on my shaman.  I enjoyed the challenge and having to adapt to new mechanics. 
I don't know if they have changed it now, or if I just overgear it by too much, but that challenge wasn't present this time around.  I popped cooldowns and burst him down with ease.
Something else that has changed, for the better this time, is the celestials fight.  No longer needing a full raid plus access to the in-game group finder made killing all 4 celestials incredibly simple.

So 6 full resets plus an extra day at each end and I have myself another legendary cloak. Simple.

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