Thursday, 20 December 2018

Collect All the Things...

Despite all the negativity of my last few posts, there are some things in game I do actually enjoy.

I've never really been a collector... I've dabbled here and there but it's never been the actual collecting or filling a set that has appealed to me.
For example, back in the day I used to play a bit of Magic: The Gathering.
The collecting aspect only served to facilitate the building of decks for me. I wasn't remotely interested in a card to finish off a set and freely traded away anything I didn't need for whatever deck I was trying to build at that time.

So it is surprising that I find myself captivated by the Collections tab!

Much of my spare time, when not doing laps of Dazar'Alor/Boralus, has been spent in old raids picking up tier pieces for one appearance or another. 
Spread across most of my toons, not even collecting them all on my main or anything, just chasing whatever set I think looks pretty cool or different.

Maybe this was sparked by this awesome little thing in Legion but I also find it incredibly relaxing and love the memories that come flooding back.

Recently I was in Throne of Thunder for the first time in god knows how long, it's been so long I forgot how to get to the Isle of Thunder in the first place :)

I had such a good time in that raid - We didn't pull up any trees progress-wise, barely even touched Heroic iirc (no Mythic back then), but it was so much fun!
Dino-madness on Horridon, crazy turtle kicking on Tortos, flying around nests on Ji-Kun... I had a great time.

I don't think I've ever enjoyed raiding as much as I did in ToT, Mythic progression seems so serious in comparison.
I was the go-to guy back then which made a big difference, job needs doing and I'm there.
I was the one kicking the turtles, I was the one flying to nests (solo, was a nice challenge)... and I loved every minute of it.

Running through again at 120 had me constantly smiling as random moments sprang back into my mind - Didn't get the full set either so I'll be heading back again soon :)

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