Thursday, 2 March 2017

Chrono- no more!

Full team available so back to Mythic!

Well, it was almost a full team. 

Our Resto Druid was running late so we started without him, figuring we could 19-man Skorpyron. 
It didn't quite go to plan as out main tank had an absolute stinker of a fight and was thrown into the scorpions on multiple occasions.  His play is normally close to flawless so I certainly won't begrudge him one bad pull.
Our druid arrived in time for the next attempt and it was a comfortable kill.

On to Chrono...

Getting so close last time meant we didn't want to change anything tactics-wise but a couple of tweaks were made.
The main difference in the Mythic fight is that two of the adds spawn each time, forcing you to split the raid to deal with them and the main difficulty comes from balancing the groups for each add.

That sounds really simple but, on the 3rd and 4th set, you need one of the adds to die really quickly so you can interrupt the boss.  This means overloading the dps on one side for these adds then having everyone run around the room to help on the other add.

It is extra movement but necessary or we all basically die.

We split the raid evenly for the first two sets of adds but the boss is tanked on top of one so we can cleave.  The group going for the other add then have miles to run to reach the boss again... A Warlock would have been amazingly useful on this fight but, unfortunately, we don't have one.

We are also lacking a Feral Druid so all Shaman were forced to use Wind Rush Totem... I hate giving up my Gust of Wind but it had to be done :-(

The tweaks we made were quite interesting... They put all of the stronger dps into the groups that were moving less and had the boss to cleave.  The ones who are regularly lower on the dps were forced to do all of the extra movement.
The idea clearly being that we would sacrifice less dps to movement...

...and it worked a treat!

We were now way ahead of the enrage timer and only execution would keep us from getting the kill.

There is one mechanic that relies on personal responsibility in this fight, the Time Bomb.  If it goes off in the group it does horrific amounts of damage but you have an absolute age to react and move away from the raid.

If you haven't already guessed... this caused us many problems.

It's one of those random-target mechanics that people seem to struggle with all the time.  It must be because it happens to each person so infrequently that they forget that it can happen... or something like that.
I have some sympathy due to the random nature of the mechanic but, when your character pulses bright white light for the final ten seconds before the explosion, that sympathy doesn't last long.

We resorted to calling out every player with the bomb when they reached that ten second mark so they could move out. 
I really dislike this level of micro-managing in a team that is supposed to be aiming for Cutting Edge achievements but it was necessary.

Maybe people just needed to see it more?  Have it target them a couple more times?

Nah, I'm not having that. 

When it's been pointed out that this mechanic is repeatedly wiping us, one with a response as simple as moving away from the raid, I think everyone should make sure they are prepared for it. I have a TMW set up specifically for that debuff.

Am I being too harsh?

Calling out did the trick and we smoothly ran to the kill.

2/10 Mythic!

Time for some cake!

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