Friday, 25 November 2016

We're Getting the Band Back Together...

That opportunity for tanking that I mentioned?

Some of my favourite times in WoW were with this group of people back in Dragon Soul and Mogu'shan Vaults.  We didn't set the raiding world on fire or anything like that but we had a lot of fun!

Well... we've gathered some of the old crew back together for some fun and games, a bit of relaxed raiding and dungeon-ing.  We've even taken up our old setup of co-raid leaders again which I am really looking forward to!

The guild has fallen on hard times recently so I'm hoping this will breathe some life back into it, but I am being extremely careful not to get too drawn into the day-to-day running of the guild... the last thing I want is to repeat the mistakes of the past and burn out on recruiting etc.

We are in the early stages right now and haven't had many turning up to our (two so far) raid nights but I'm hoping that will improve naturally with time as people see events running consistently.

In the mean-time, it's pug pug pug!
It's so easy today, despite it's flaws the group-finder is fantastic and the majority of the community seems to have bought into it.
Some groups still demand ridiculous achievements or gear levels but, as a starting group, I like to set the bar quite low. 
We are learning to raid as a group again, why not let other people learn alongside us?

In the short term I am just playing whatever role we need most but really I am hoping this will be the opportunity for tanking that I have wanted for so long.

Even if it doesn't pan out that way I am incredibly excited about the prospect of raiding with these people again.

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