Friday, 5 June 2015

Onto the Treadmill...

So... you've reached 100.  What next?

Get some shiny new gear so you can kill all the things!

There are many ways to gear up in Draenor:

1.  Garrison - Let your followers do all the work while you put your feet up after all that hard questing.  You can obtain gear directly from the Follower missions or, if you are really lucky, from the crap Salvage they bring back.

2.  Dungeons - Normal dungeons drop 610ilvl gear, Heroic dungeons drop 630ilvl gear with a guaranteed drop from the last boss.  The bread and butter of early gearing.

3.  Crafting - you can gear any slot with a 640ilvl (which can be upgraded later) item but they use a lot of mats and you can only wear 3 crafted items at any time.

4.  Apexis Crystals - The gear starts at 630ilvl and can also be upgraded like the crafted pieces.  Horrendously expensive but might be worth grabbing one piece if you are really, and I mean really, desperate (wait until you have done no. 5 though).

5.  Legendary Ring - You pick up the first quest at 98, one run through Skyreach on any difficulty nets you a 640ilvl ring.  A few quests in heroic dungeons at 100 allows you to upgrade it to 680ilvl but it also needs a load of Apexis Crystals (making option 4 even less viable).

6.  Challenge Modes - Daily quest offers decent rewards to the new 100 but difficult to find a group if you lack experience.  Great if you have a few friends to run with.

7.  Garrison Invasions - Notoriously difficult to trigger for the newly-dinged 100 as they require killing lots of level 100 mobs in the specific "Apexis Daily" areas.  Worth a look on the groupfinder to see if anyone needs help with one though.

8.  Auction House - There are more raid-level BoE's than ever before, just ask Grumpy Elf - Not a route I want to go down in this experiment but you can basically just buy yourself a full set of raid gear.

So, which are the best options?  Have I missed any?


  1. Well having been on exactly the same journey as yourself, and whilst i dont have the control not to spend gold, doing it on a different server than all my characters. Still the Apexis crystals look like a complete waste of time. Sure they come in handy to fill some time occasionally and then use them to pay for the bonus roll coins, but as an option for gearing it just isnt worth the effort in my opinion. Best options have to be Do the daily heroic for the Garrision reasources until you have at least 630 in every slot, the extra GR helps to fund the follower missions.
    After that it depends where your aiming to take the character you'll naturally be doing some LFR's if you are following the legendary quest. without ever stepping into a normal raid or higher an item level of 660 is well within range it just depends how much gold you are willing to spend or what professions you have chosen. once a 660 level is reached pretty much you can enter any current 6.1 raid apart from Mythics, that said how do you get ahead of the curve if all the groups insist you already have it to go and kill it. that is a question for another time though.

  2. I think the Apexis Crystals are the biggest disappointment in the gearing game. Ostensibly designed to replace Justice and Valor but miss the mark in two big ways:
    1. It's all so expensive - 23 days and 4600GR for legs equivalent to lfr is ridiculous.
    2. They only drop from the (incredibly dull) daily quest. Why not from heroic dungeons?

    1. I actually never bought any Apexis crystal gear. I think I just kept running dungeons to get my gear (yawn-fest) and I had one trinket given to me which was a lovely 665. After that, LFR geared me up a bit. Hopefully you can get some LFRs whilst there is low logons during this prepatch doldrum!

    2. Hi Navi, thanks for stopping by :-)

      I don't think I know anyone who bought the Apexis gear. With so many other options that offer equal or better gear, it just doesn't seem worth the effort.
      If the Apexis dailies were fun and engaging, the gear might have worked as a nice bonus for that time spent... but they aren't and the gear is scant reward.
