The hunter has made it out of the old world and started her journey through the expansions. Levels 64-78 (ish) have always been very slow for me and are always a slog before I speed up again as I near the current content.
Not much has changed in Outland or Northrend, they did feel marginally quicker than previous runs but nothing really remarkable.
I always seem to power through the Cata zones incredibly quickly so I was interested to see if there had been any more XP nerfs since the last time I was here, and also how quickly I would get through the MoP zones now they weren't current content.
Cata zones...
I had a pretty much set plan for Cata in the past.
Do the whole of Mt Hyjal, which would take me to roughly 82.5
Quick jaunt to Deepholm to finish up level 83.
Almost all of Uldum, avoiding Schottz in the deep south, to reach roughly 84.5
Open up Twilight Highlands and the portal back to SW, this would almost exactly get me to level 85.
So I set off with the same plan in mind...
Around two-thirds of the way through Mt. Hyjal I reached 83 and realised this was going to be much quicker than expected!
Straight to Uldum where roughly half (if not less) of the quests took me to 85.
Wow, that was fast.
Without doubt being able to wear the heirlooms for the whole journey made a big difference but I barely completed 1 full zone's worth of quests before I was finished with the whole expansion!
On to Pandaria!
Heirlooms all the way up to 90 so this could be fast too!
Again, I have a plan for MoP...
2/3 of Jade Forest, 1/2 of Valley, 2/3 Kun Lai, virtually all of Townlong Steppes then finishing off in Dread Wastes.
I wasn't expecting to do all of those quests, that was the plan when it was current content so it will definitely have been nerfed for the new expansion. Plus, I had the heirlooms to help me now.
So, how fast would it be?
Jade Forest - Roughly 1/4 of the quests
Valley of the Four Winds - Passed through it on my way to Kun Lai, zero quests
Kun Lai Summit - Around 1/2 of the quests
Townlong Steppes - At most 1/3 of the quests
Ding! Level 90!
It all went by so quickly I hadn't even moved my Hearthstone from Dalaran!
I looked back on my journey through the game and it was just a series of 1-shotting mobs while I quickly out-levelled any storyline (I've been through them all before so wasn't that bothered anyway but that's not the point).
A total of 3 deaths in the whole process, 2 of them were from falling before I worked out I could Disengage to avoid taking the damage. (The other death was from a big dinosaur in Un'Goro Crater... if you were interested)
I'm not convinced the levelling process adds anything to the game these days (but maybe that is just from the jaded view of an 11th alt running through with full heirlooms.)
Would it be more engaging without them?
More importantly, would a new player still enjoy it as much as I did on my first time through?
Now heading to Draenor, and current content, still wearing two pieces of gear from WotLK!
No heirlooms to carry me through now, and no gold support, so it should be a little more interesting anyway.
Khadgar! Hold that portal for me...
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