There is an incredible 'end of expansion' feeling to the game at the moment, just logging in to raid and finding no enthusiasm for any other parts of the game.
I feel like I am just killing time until... until what? A new expansion? A new raid?
I'm not really sure to be honest but probably not a new raid as I'm still really enjoying Blackrock Foundry.
The raiding has been going exceptionally well, I'm loving raiding in a bigger group again. And we've been killing more bosses too!
Following on from our first night with our sister guild, we killed the Iron Maidens on normal and had a good look at Blackhand. What a great fight! Loving the huge arena with loads of stuff going on, it's an absolute blast!
We didn't actually kill him that night, best attempt was around 11% I think, but it was great fun. There was noticeable progress on the fight as the night went on, and I think it would only have taken a few more attempts to get the kill but we haven't been back since.
We have been back in normal but it was a fresh run, more hoping than expecting to reach Blackhand. We actually made good time but a few wipes on Blast Furnace ruined our chances. That fight is still hard for us on normal but it didn't help that the Bellows Operators bugged out and kept spawning in phase 2! :-)
We killed 9/10 that night but had no time for any attempts on Blackhand - I've now suggested that we boost an Alt through most of normal and keep him saved late into the raid, then we can use that save instead of doing a fresh run each week.
There isn't much reason for us to go into normal mode anyway... personally, I want the Blackhand kill but that's it for me. I have the gear, the 4-set tier bonus so I'm fine, it's now just a case of building those tier sets for the rest of the raid.
That's why I thought boosting the alt was a good idea. My first thought was to kill 9 and just leave Blackhand open.
Imagine, we could walk in, kill one trash mob, kill Blackhand and walk out with 2 tier tokens. The whole thing could be done in about 20 minutes leaving the rest of the night for heroic bosses. And Blackhand drops those special tokens that can be exchanged for any of the tier slots, none would be wasted.
I'm coming round to the idea of leaving a couple more bosses open, maybe Iron Maidens and Blast Furnace as well as Blackhand. They both drop tier tokens too and Vorosh insists we could use the practice on them. Considering the amount he stands in fire, and how quick he is to point out other's mistakes, I think he is talking about himself more than anyone else. :-)
More tier sets would definitely give us a boost to our heroic progress anyway. I don't think anyone else actually has the 4-set at the moment so it can't hurt.
Having said that, the heroics are going well anyway. Gruul, H&F and Oregorger don't cause any problems now. We repeated our kill on Flamebender Ka'graz without feeling lucky about it either, and then went on to 1-shot Beastlord Darmac!
I've always thought we were good enough to kill Darmac but it surpassed my expectations. It didn't feel lucky either, we just kind of got on with it and he died.
Let's hope we can repeat that this week.
Outside of raiding... well, nothing much is happening at all. Absolutely nothing is grabbing my interest. Aside from the raids, I log in to:
Send followers on missions
Restock my Barn
Use whatever gadget comes out of the workshop that day
...and that's about it.
I have started recruiting treasure hunter followers, mainly just to see how much gold it makes as it requires so little effort.
Harrison Jones is a god-send for this. As well as being a Treasure Hunter himself, he has the Mentor trait which must be the most overpowered trait of any follower.
The Mentor trait raises the level and gear of any follower that goes on a mission with Harrison up to his level. So, a fresh 90 recruit from the Inn can enter and contribute fully towards a 675ilvl 100 mission... and reap all the rewards!
That means it only takes 3 (yes, 3!!) missions to go from 90 to 100 with Harrison Jones. Amazing!
So, aside from raiding and the laziest gold-making attempts of all time, I'm looking for something to keep my attention... a new project!
1. Tanking.
My prot pala is at 657ilvl after a couple of lucky drops one night in heroic Highmaul and a lot of gold. It's still one aspect of the game (along with PvP) I feel that I haven't mastered to at least a decent level and that really irritates me.
I want to be good at tanking.
Unfortunately, I'm held back for some reason by a crippling lack of confidence and just can't bring myself to tick that tank box for an lfr or dungeon run.
Man up ffs.
2. Gearing
I've read so much about how poor the gearing system is in WoD. I disagreed, as I often do, and put it down to whining and entitlement. The options for gearing appear plentiful and varied to me but maybe my opinion was coloured by my ability to use gold to bypass any gearing issues that arose.
So, how would I do on a different char without that gold? Would my opinion change?
I have a selection of chars at 90 left behind on various realms without those resources to draw from, or I could just boost a brand new char to 90 and see it from a new player pov.
3. Play FFXIV
I picked it up a couple of weeks ago as I had heard good things about it. I haven't made it very far into the game as yet, level 16 Thaumaturge (that's a mage to you and me), but I have been enjoying it immensely. There is an expansion arriving soon and it would be nice to 'finish' this story before it arrives, I'm not sure I will have time though.
I could really do with some more options...
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