The 5 ilvl boost kicks in for our raid tonight... I'm hoping the extra 5 ilvls magically makes us able to avoid the fire or, more accurately, a giant rolling Goren.
Last night's raid saw us making heavy going of Hans and Franz, taking up almost 2 hours of our raid night. Familiar issues, cooldowns missed on the suplex and far too many hits from the stamps during Pulverise.
We did have a couple of people in there that hadn't killed it on heroic so a few more mistakes were to be expected I suppose.
It is a very frustrating time for our raids at the moment though, progress is very hard to come by and it seemed like we were taking a step backwards on a boss we had comfortably killed (much quicker) for the last couple of weeks. Time spent wiping on this was time we wanted to be spending on much-needed practice on our progress bosses.
To make it worse, my BiS mace dropped. Yes, I know that should make it better but I passed on it because our other shaman was still using a dungeon blue weapon.
If it had been any other player I wouldn't have thought twice about it, I'm happy to pass if it's a huge upgrade for someone else, but the shaman is very unreliable and flaky.
(It doesn't help that I crafted her some gear for her monk just before she decided to switch to shaman)
It was haste/multi as well, which are not good stats for Resto. so she will swap it out the first opportunity she gets. To add insult to injury, I rolled the chest which is the second time I've rolled something useless on this boss. Haha, I'm even more bitter about this than I thought!
It's the first boss on our kill list each week though so I'm hoping it will drop again at some point.
I was generally happy with my performance on the fight itself. First attempt I was hit by a couple of the presses but wasn't hit again all night so I'm just putting that first one down to rustiness :-)
Finished second on dps behind Kissez, our hunter, which should be expected given the amount of movement in the fight but she hadn't got close before so I was a little surprised.
On to Gruul, much less movement so should be back on top...
After taking so long on H&F I wasn't overly confident as we headed to Gruul.
It's easy for one of the tanks to make a mistake and cause a wipe, or our raiders to be slow to move, so I was ready for the long haul and kill on the last attempt of the night (like the previous week).
You've guessed it, 1-shot.
Incredibly smooth kill, way inside the enrage timer for the first time. Can we officially designate this boss as our first heroic to be 'on farm'? Too late, I've done it. Gruul hc is on farm.
DPS check... Second again behind Kissez! Hmmm... she seems to have stepped up her game here, I wasn't even close. Will have to take a look at how I can improve for our next attempts.
Caught up a bit on Gruul so we had time for a look at Oregorger again...
Before the raid I was talking to Ix (our RL) about the LOS gaming tactic, where you all run in a group and kill the boxes one by one. Ix decided to give it a go but I don't think he was really prepared for it, it didn't seem like he had thought it through.
We had enough problems even getting to that phase though. I'm not even sure what was going wrong most of the time, people just kept dying.
And when we did make it to the rolling phase there were lots of deaths there too.
Another boss we seem to be going backwards on :-s
I think our best chance of a new kill lies with Darmac.
Tighten up the tanks' positioning, avoid the spears, and we should make it deep into the fight.
Team Selection...
Ix is persisting with the 10-man team to push progression.
This seems to have come from the recap meetings when a number of people said there were no consequences for people failing on mechanics or performing poorly.
I'm all for picking the best possible team, giving us the best chance of killing a boss, but why restrict it to 10-man? If an extra player would not weaken the team, would in fact strengthen the team, why not take them?
We are running 2/3/5 now every night which puts us heavy on healers. Back in the day our only option would be to swap that third healer for a dps, putting a lot of pressure on the two remaining healers.
These days we can just add an extra dps, go with 2/3/6 and the team is stronger over all.
Flex gives us a huge advantage and I can't see any reason not to use it.
Tonight is likely to be Flamebinder Ka'graz to give us a break from our struggles on Oregorger and Darmac.
It will be the first time we have attempted it on heroic and it might be worthwhile to take as many people as possible so they can see the fight.
It will probably be 10-man though, attempting to 1-shot him.
Wish us luck!
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