Thursday, 8 May 2014

Why am I levelling an Undead Rogue?

I already have a rogue at level 90, which I rarely play. 
I have no other horde toons. 
I have no other toons on that realm even.

So why am I now levelling an Undead Rogue on a new server?

Well, the answer is simple(ish).... 
I want to raid.
Or rather, I want to just raid.
No recruiting, no organising, no leading, no drama, nothing.
Just raiding.
That is my dream.
It's a humble, even selfish, dream (I'm certainly no MLK) but it's my dream nonetheless.

The Trap...
I've fallen into a trap of being far more involved in the guild mechanics than I ever want to be, and it's not the first time...

First mistake... Ignorance.
The first time I fell into this trap I wasn't even aware the trap existed.
I joined one of my oldest friends (who had actually introduced me to WoW) to help him start up a new guild. 
At this point, I hadn't been playing that long and didn't know any better.  I certainly didn't know how much was involved in building and running a guild, or how much I would dislike certain aspects of it (recruitment, dealing with egos etc)
After repeatedly almost getting things running properly both me and my friend lost heart and I decided to look for somewhere we could find some raiding.

Second mistake...Timing.
I remembered a lovely guild that I had pugged with one night in Blackwing Descent and looked them up.  All looked good, they were progressing (slowly, which suited me just fine) through Dragon Soul and recruiting more players.
I applied to join but, unfortunately, my research was slightly out of date.  The GM was on a break, half the guild had left, and nobody was turning up for raids.  In a whirlwind of activity, I had joined the guild, somehow been installed as the new Raid Leader and was pugging in trade chat for our next raid while trying to recruit more permanent raiders.
I enjoyed some fantastic raid nights there, loved all the people, but still I was in this position I hated of having to recruit, organise and lead.  It wore me down until I decided, with a heavy heart, to leave.

Third mistake...Judgement.
I had been raiding on an alt (sort of alt) in another guild during Dragon Soul and it was my first port of call when I decided to move on.  It had been an excellent guild to raid with, lots of fun, very talented players and settled leadership. 
After a while, I was asked to step up to Officer rank and this is where my judgement failed me.  I remember thinking that immortal phrase, which should set alarm bells ringing any time you say it to yourself... "It will be different this time".
So, here I am... recruiting, organising, leading...and hating every minute of it, just so I can raid.

What does all this have to do with an Undead Rogue?
Nobody knows who he is, nobody expects anything from him.
He has no attachment to any other guild I have ever been in, he's even on the opposite faction. 

I can level him to 90, gear him up, raid with him and he will never, ever have to recruit, organise or lead anybody.

The Undead Rogue is living the dream!

As it happens, I won't leave my current guild and don't have any free time for extra raiding so the rogue is unlikely to ever do those things. 
However, as long as that rogue and the potential he holds exist, the dream is alive.

That is why I am levelling an Undead Rogue.

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