Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Catching up...

The end of expansion malaise has hit me so I've been lacking enthusiasm for all things WoW and mainly just logging on for raids.  A lack of enthusiasm in the game means a lack of enthusiasm to write about the game, for me anyway.

Having said that, lots has actually been happening over the past few weeks so it's time for a catch up...

I was recently faced with a dilemma on how to continue my play and to take more enjoyment from my play.  I made the decision to raid quietly on my horde rogue for the rest of the expansion to take a break from everything else. 

Well, that lasted a grand total of one raid night.

Fresh run for the week, heroic SoO.  With the guild at 4/14hc at the time I knew that these bosses weren't exactly 'on farm' so was expecting a tough night on my rogue.  I wasn't disappointed. 
I struggled through all 4 fights on the night and decided that learning how to play a class properly probably shouldn't be done whilst progressing heroic content.

I could have persevered here, pushed myself to learn the class better, grabbed more gear so I could make more of a contribution, or grabbed a shitty dagger and switched to Assassination which I know how to play... but I did none of these.  I didn't want to be carried through content while I caught up (in gear and skill) and I was missing my shaman, Sol is the one that should be doing the heroics not some rogue who was meant as a distraction.

So I moved my shaman to horde.

Now fighting through heroic SoO hoping to gain the 'Cutting Edge' achievement but that might be a step too far this late in the expansion.  I'm going to do a full post on my raiding adventures so I'll stop this part here.

Other WoW stuff...
The profession plan for Wod has completely taken a back seat, what's the point when I'm not even sure which realm I will be on?
The alts are slowly making their way to 90, currently sat at 8 classes with only monk, hunter and warrior to go.
Monk is now at 85 and has just landed in Pandaria.
Hunter is now at 39 which while being easily the furthest I have got with a hunter, is a long way from 90.
Warrior is at 29 and has not been touched for months - he was part of an abandoned tank/heal project with the other half.

Starcraft 2...
I've been dabbling with this for a while now, dipping in to the campaign and slowly progressing, but mainly watching videos of pro-gamers playing in Korea (I'll assume it's South Korea ^^).

A couple of weeks ago, that all changed! 

When randomly following youtube links to various WoW and Starcraft vids I came accross a guy called Husky. 
He casts Starcraft games (amongst other things) and has a feature on his channel called "Bronze League Heroes!" This series is just him commentating on replays sent in by Bronze League Starcraft players, this is the lowest league in Starcraft and the people are there just for the fun of the game.

Well, this series is hilarious! It's barely recognisable as the same game those Korean guys play and it inspired me to have a go myself.  After all, if they are that bad and still enjoying it, maybe I would too.

So I had a go...  I'm now at around 20 games played and I have won 3 of them, 2 of which I won because the other player dropped out at the start.  So really I have won 1 out of 18 games which is truly awful but I'm loving every minute of it :-)